Progressive web application is a kind of application software conveyed through the web, built by using different technologies of web which contain CSS, JavaScript and HTML. The PWA is a type of website that works like a web app. It can run on any browser so there is no need to download an app from the play store or Apple store. PWA are used to resolve slow network and lack of connectivity issues. Using of Progressive web application on your mobile devices could execute fast results and provides extra features, departing the gaps with built-in apps, in addition to being convenient across mobile platforms and desktop. It do not need a separate sharing or bundling. Alex Russell and Frances Berriman are the inventors of this term.
According to Alex’s words:
“Progressive web applications are just websites that took all the right vitamins”
What Challenges We Are Facing Today....?
How PWA Helps to Solve These....?
- PWA works for any user, even in availability of slow network.
- Progressive web applications are reliable because it loads carefully and can sit into the user’s screen even when network is not available.
- PWA are very fast because it responds quickly. It is exceptionally fast to open the application again deprived of hitting the network.
- Progressive web applications has the capability to push notification for get re-engagement with the user.
User Integration experience
- It acts like a built-in app. It can get access to the functionalities of device and that familiarity feels integrated and unified.
- It offers home screen icons deprived of the using of App store
- Progressive web apps does not need complex installations and can shared simply by URLs.
Some Beneficial Cases Are:
- Upto 104% conversions enhancement for new users
- Upto 2X more visiting of pages per period
- Upto 74% improve in per session time spent
- Upto 40% greater re-engagement
- Upto74% growth in conversions
- Upto 3X lesser in data usage
- Upto 3X extra time consumed on site
Progressive web applications development are used to combine the best features of mobile applications and the mobile web such as speed and offline usage, without downloading anything. PWA are designed to accelerate tech abilities and bring balance to the business management. These applications will definitely push themobile web forward and help the developers to attract more users beyond the confines of the app stores.