The Pandemic Presents an Opportunity in Crisis for Educational Apps
The shutdowns and lockdowns due to the novel coronavirus (or COVID-19) pandemic has affected many sectors, including the education sector in a never seen manner. Schools, colleges, institutes, universities and training centers all are not accessible to students and faculty members alike. This is caused the world’s largest-ever disruption in teaching and learning.
But as the human-spirit finds an opportunity in every adversity, it has also triggered the world’s largest and most wide-spread remote learning experiment, taking online, and mobile-based education to millions of students. No one was prepared to adopt the new method and it has been a steep learning curve for students, educators and parents. This coming to terms with the new reality has proved to be a windfall for one of the fastest-growing industries tech sector – educational app development.
Efforts of national scale by governments, communities, universities, and schools to employ mobile technology to continue the education, of their future generations during pandemic, are evolving and coming to fore very quickly. At Raindrops technologies, our educational mobile apps have allowed teachers to pack knowledge in a small device and put it into the hands and in the pockets of their learners.
According to a World Bank report, education and training is the second largest category of mobile apps and solutions in demand during the COVID-19 pandemic. The e-learning mobile app development demand from schools and universities are overwhelming and the upgrades to them almost every week as we, at Raindrops Technologies, actively understand the dynamic scenario and incorporate those needs. Even when schools would be allowed to open, the educational apps are going to be around and about as people have made them part of their lives. They will revolutionise the education for many years to come.

Some Reasons why Teachers and Students Prefer E-Learning Mobile Apps:
- Class Videos: Teachers can shoot professional videos with our app, even while not using a high-end mobile phone, that will adjust for distortions and noise in the background on its own. These video lectures are uploaded to the backend to be viewed by the students at a time of their choice in offline mode for self-paced learning.
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- Online Live Classes: Educational apps must support live streaming of sessions and not just rely on video tutorials. These sessions are especially important for younger learners and even for mature students for clearing any doubts. Virtual classrooms with authorized entry, attendance and teacher control.
- Assignments: Any education app worth its space on your screen, will give management of assignments – allotment to student, in-time submissions, notifications, uploading them in different formats, review and grading within the app.
- Chat and Message Boards: Any kind of communication between teachers, learners and their parents it is imperative and not everything can be discussed in the short time for the class. So chat with personal message facility, group chat, message boards and Q&A forum are integral part of the app.
- Announcements: Schools, universities, teachers and administrators need to make announcements regarding various activities, updates and events related to the whole institution, a class or a group of classes, so an online announcement section with notifications is mandatory.
- Quizzes and Tests: In place of conventional tests where students are asked to write long answers, quizzes are the simplest tool to assess their development with minimum tools and in the shortest time frame. We have ensured that questions with multiple choices, true/false, fill in the blanks, match the following, and other forms can be given. And obviously, the traditional tests with long-answer questions are also available for evaluating the comprehension.
- Grading and Results: With quizzes, tests and assignments come grades and results. Depending on the school’s policy we can customize the grading mechanisms and can make changes to it later as well.
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- Enhance Classroom Performance: Our mobile apps for schools provide direct link to curated and moderated content online that teachers can use to make learners more aware about a topic. We can play YouTube videos, show images and articles from other websites to help students enhance their learning from within one environment and take charge.
- Make Learning Fun: It is not easy to engage young learners on a screen for long and learning through gamification is a great way to connect with them. We provide services to build engaging student content with games and animations to be uploaded on educational mobile app on special requests. This can help even advanced learners visualize and understand difficult topics such as human anatomy, machines, engine, galaxy, etc.
- Self-paced Learning: In an online live class of 30-40 students, a teacher cannot focus on all students equally and teach as well. As each student has an individual mobile app, they can follow instructions on their own if good and appropriate material as available on the app build by teachers and expert educators.
- Effective Two-way Communication: As every student may not get sufficient time to discuss her doubts with the teacher during live session, it can significantly affect their learning. Educational mobile apps make it easy for students and teachers to connect and have an open and interactive communication.
- Eco-Friendly Learning: The students today are “woke” and more concerned about ecology, trees and the environment. Educational mobile apps help them reduce their carbon footprints in a major way without robbing them of the learning opportunities. Mobile apps allow frequent and dynamic update of content that is not even possible in case of printed books and materials.
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The Opportunity for Educational Mobile Apps
During times of crisis and isolation, mobile app development companies like Raindrops Technologies, have helped schools, colleges and universities and thereby students with content, convenience and connectivity. Educational mobile apps use is only going to increase even after the shutdowns and lock downs are lifted and students and teachers return to campuses.
The new avenues of learning, sharing and teaching have become part of our lives and the students will continue to demand form their schools maintain a significant online presence. The governments are also going to encourage this disrupting technology to flourish to prepare themselves and future generations for another such crisis.

The global market for education apps was growing even before the crisis hit and dominated our mind-spaces – it was calculated to be under 90 billion in 2016, rose to USD 107 billion in 2018 and under “normal” circumstance would have grown to cross USD 125 billion in 2020. With COVID-19, now it is estimated to be over USD 200 billion by the end of 2020 and close to USD 350 billion by 2025.
At Raindrops Technologies, we are a team of experienced educational app development professionals offering our off-the-shelf and ready-to-go feature-rich apps as well as services for the development of custom education apps comparable to the best in the industry. If you are a school, university or an institute or even a teacher with large following and wish to provide an effective means to deliver and engage your students then you can rely on us to deliver the best solution for you. You cannot affords to pass more time thinking more and need to act now. All you need to decide is the platform, the features, and leave everything else to us.