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Industry Purchase Management System – IPMS


Every industry has many departments within it and all departments have their small or big need that must be fulfilled on timely manner. For e.g. an industry got 3 departments namely Mechanical, HR and Administrative. So what if they need to order day-to-day routines items, in that case, they have to contact the Purchase Manager either manually or via email. That’s what somewhat tedious job for the industry Purchase manager and for the Accounting team to handle all those requests smoothly.

So this is the perfect place where you got this Industry purchase Management system application quite handy and gives you wings to handle every small piece of information in one place.

How? Let me give you some basic information about this application.

So this application mainly got 4 entities,

  • Users (i.e. Individual Departments users for e.g. Mechanical department users or HR department users etc.. you got unlimited departments, no restriction there),
  • Plant Head (one who is actually examine and approving the items before it reaches to Purchase Manager),
  • Purchase Manager (One who orders their day to day items)
  • Store Manager (who receive the ordered items from different vendors).
  • As said all the items are day-to-day routine so through the web admin panel all those items must be added first. Here you got an option to import CSV files of items.

Users side interface:

  • the industry can create unlimited users through the web admin panel, as it’s mainly for internal use purposes so through the web admin panel they can create unlimited users department-wise.

  • Once the users log in through the app interface, they have abilities to create new orders via the Order Now screen and can check their orders progress via the Running Order screen. Also can check their all completed or rejected orders via the Order History screen.

  • To create an order, a user has to create an indent first and within that indent, users can add multiple items to process further.

  • Once the indent has been created and submitted, it will go to a Plant Head for his/her approval.

  • On each submission of orders, a notification send to the plant head to notify him about their respective orders.

  • Also users can define the priority (low, medium or high) of the different indent.

  • Users can also have a Report section, where they can download reports in excel format to keep track of what has been asked a month before and what is the status of their orders at any point in time.

Plant Head Interface:

  • The plant head mainly has the facility to approve or reject any orders before an order goes to the Purchase manager, so through the Order Management screen, a plant head can check all received orders from users of all departments via departments wise, and he/she can approve or reject those orders.

  • On approval or rejection, a notification will send to their respective users.

  • On rejection of any items, a plant head has the option to add a rejection comment to that respective indent, which is visible to user’s end also.

  • All the rejected orders can be tracked through the Rejected Order screen.

  • All the approved orders can be tracked through the Order status screen.

  • Plant head also has a Report section, where he/she can download reports in excel format to keep track of the status of current orders.

Purchase Manager Interface:

  • Once the Plant head approved any orders, they will further go to the purchase manager so that he/she can process the order from different vendors.
  • Through the Order Management screen, the purchase manager can trace all the indents received to process further.
  • Purchase manager got different status as PO raised, or if items not available in the market then he/she can mark it as dead stocks.
  • Once the item has been marked as PO raised, it will move to the Store manager so they can receive those items physically over their stores.
  • On change of status of items, a notification will send to all entities (users, plant head, and store manager).
  • Purchase manager also has a Report section, where he/she can download reports in excel format to keep track of the status of current orders.
  • Store Manager Interface:

    • Finally, if any Indents (ordered item) gets PO Raised from the purchase manager, it will start showing to the Store manager within the Received order screen.

    • Once the items arrived physically at industries location, a store manager can change the status of the items from PO raised to Item Received, on change of status a notification been sent to users so that they can come to the store and check the quality of those items ordered by him and once the quality has been checked, they can change the status of the item received to user approved.

    • So once the user approved the recieved item, then store manager can add the location of that item and marked it as completed. Those all completed indent will be shown unders Order completed screen.

    • Store manager also has a Report section, where he/she can download reports in excel format to keep track of the status of current orders.


    Industry Purchase Management System

    Author Details

    Bharat Koriya

    CEO and Founder of the firm

    Mr. Bharat Koriya is the founder and CEO of Raindrops Infotech. He is a very disciplined, soft spoken and enthusiastic person. Being the founder of the company, he takes care of business development activities and maintains relations with clients.

    His charismatic and result driven approach has benefited the company to grow and achieve this height where the company stands right now. His vision, long term planning and sharp knowledge on latest technologies made this organization so successful and profitable in such a short period of time. Bharat ensures that the company gets up-to-date & latest knowledge on different technologies and trends in this competitive market. His problem solving skills and co- ordination abilities makes him favorable among clients and team members.

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